God Has Spoken (48 pages)
We can know God because He reveals Himself! He reveals His will and purpose for life. Let God's Word answer your most important questions.

  • How does God speak to us today?
  • Who is the Holy Spirit?
  • Why do we suffer?
  • Does God really care for me?

Knowing Jesus (48 pages)
Jesus makes amazing promises to all who "know" Him. Come to know the Person who is the "Way, the Truth and the Life".

  • How can I enjoy this relationship fully?
  • Why did Jesus die?
  • What do "Christ" and "Son of God really mean?
  • Does Jesus reign now, and how does that affect my life?
  • How can I be sure of the resurrection?

Born of Water and Spirit (48 pages)
Jesus insists on a "new birth"! What does He mean? Scripture gives all the assurance you need.

  • Can I really experience a fresh start - a truly new life?
  • Why is the cross so important?
  • How does the "Spirit" work?
  • Why "water"?
  • Can I face my own death without fear?

Family of God (88 pages)
God has chosen a family of His own. Live the royal life now - and eternally! Part One of an advanced study in Ephesians, with many Bible helps.

  • Can I be sure He wants and chooses me?
  • What does the Bible mean by "church"?
  • How can I recognize Christ's family today?
  • What about its unity?
  • What is in store for me as God's "heir"?

Live a Life of Love (88 pages)
God gives each child a new life, full of joy, purpose, and caring relationships. Part Two of an advanced study in Ephesians, with many Bible helps.

  • What is this new life of love?
  • Where do I find power for changing?
  • Is the Holy Spirit real, and really at work in me?
  • What if I fail - is there a way forward?

This is Good News (48 pages)
Christ's message is the Gospel, meaning "Good News." How is it good news for me? This course summarizes others. You may request to receive it early.

  • Can I be sure of its truth?
  • What is so unique about Christ and His way?
  • What is the faith God accepts?
  • How does biblical baptism fit "grace"?
  • What commitment is expected of me?
  • Where is the help I need?

Additional Bible Studies

  • Salvation in Christ
  • The Church
  • The Christian Life

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